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What to EXPECT with CEA All Stars 

Most of this information will also be in the All Star Packet 

Fees Outside of Assessments

Annual Registration$45 & Tryout Fees $85 

 Rebel Uniforms $515

Bow & Scrunchie $55-$60

Mesh leotard $65-$75

16" Beehive Pony starts at $200

Infinity Vengeance shoes $120

Practice Wear up to $165 1 set & 1 sports bra (crossovers will need an additional sports bra)

Jersey Cover-up $65 - $70

Athletes USASF Fees $50-$75 

Carolina Elite is not responsible for hotel and travel expenses 

Tumble class $75 (Optional and added to tuition)


Athlete Signing Day will be on June 10th, Summer Practice will begin on June 11th 


July 21st through 26th will be a choreography camp hosted by Scott Rigoli to learn their routines.  The week prior to choreography and the week of choreography is Mandatory.  Elite athletes will compete in a 2 1/2-minute routine at 5-6 events throughout the year. We will compete locally and regionally in the 2024-2025 season. All cheer practices are mandatory.  Two absences are allowed during June 10th-July 13th and July 27th-August 25th.  Mandatory cheer practices will begin August 26th.  


Practice Expectations 

The season runs from May through May. All Star Tuition is based around the number of hours each team puts in each week.  Elite Practices are 2-3 times per week for 1-3 hours each.  Regular attendance at both practices is MANDATORY. Extra practices will be scheduled the Saturday before every competition and are also mandatory. We will have the final schedule when competition dates are released. After August 26th, there will be NO MISSED practices unless injured with a note or positive for contagious disease. 


For practice, hair should be firmly secured out of the face. We recommend keeping a few extra hair ties in your child's backpack. NO jewelry to practice as it not only compromises athletes' safety during stunting and tumbling, but it also doesn’t look professional to outsiders. Natural nails that cannot be seen past the finger are the only acceptable nails for practices and competitions. Every athlete will have practice wear that is required for every practice. if an athlete is missing a piece of their practice wear, they will condition. This is a good way for them to learn discipline, and for teammates to recognize the consequences. If there is a sizing issue with practice wear or uniform, you will need to take those items to a seamstress.



Several times throughout the season athletes begin to feel queasy or uncomfortable at practice due to a poor diet throughout the day. Please help us encourage your children to make healthy choices (especially on practice days), with complex carbs, protein and plenty of water. Athletes will be given regular water breaks throughout practice.


Pro Shop & Apparel   

All apparel with Carolina Elite logo, team logo or team name on it must be purchased through the pro-shop. No outside sources are to be used unless approved by owners/director. This keeps us uniform looking at competitions and out in the public. Our team names and logos are specific to Carolina Elite. You may not use any logos or team names on a homemade or outsourced article of clothes/shoes.


Time, Commitment, and Attendance 

Attendance at every practice is MANDATORY. This sport is extremely unique, in which we do not have a “bench” to pull from like basketball, or football. Everyone is very crucial to the team. Every absence will be sent to a review committee to be determined excused or unexcused (see review clause for more detail). From June 10th-July 13th and July 27th-August 25th, you are allowed two unexcused absences (we recommend you not to miss them because this time is when we determine stunt groups, tumble positions, jump spots, etc). The week prior to choreography and the week of choreography is Mandatory. Unexcused absences are listed, but not limited to family vacations outside our given time off, extracurricular activities, schoolwork, tests, basketball games, football games, band/chorus concerts, plays, high school cheer practices, etc. The ONLY excused practices will be a death in the family, or if you personally tested positive for the Flu, Strep or Covid-19 and that will require a doctor’s note. If your child has symptoms of a sickness, we would like them to attend practice on restrictions. We suggest wearing a mask to not spread the illness. Absences will be documented and counted like baseball “three strike rule”. The first time we have a missed unexcused practice will be a written warning. The second time will be a mandatory parent and athlete meeting. The third time will be immediate dismissal from the team and the Re-choreography fee will commence. Bad behavior in school or at home is not an excuse to miss practice. School work is also not be an excuse. Time management is a great thing to learn at a young age. Please find a punishment that does not also punish coaches and teammates. This action will be brought to a review committee and could lead to dismissal from the program. Extra practices will be pre-scheduled for the Saturday right before any competition. These practices WILL be mandatory. If an emergency (injury/sicknesses) arises, coaches will be allowed to add an extra practice during the week if necessary. Any preplanned vacations must be given to the director at the evaluations. It will then go to the review committee and will be determined excused or unexcused (see review clause for more detail). You must submit an Absence Request Form two weeks prior to the absence to find a fill-in for your athlete. A completed form doesn’t NOT automatically excuse the absence. They must be approved by the director. 


Communication is Key 

Here at CEA, it is vital that you remain up to date with all gym & team updates. As a parent, you will receive information in several ways. CEA's main form of communication for 2024/25 will be through the BAND app. The "CEA Athletes and Parents" BAND is where you find the most current information regarding the all-star program and upcoming events. Each athlete and parent will also be assigned to their specific team BAND where you will find information specific to the athlete's team. During the season the owners and coaches will go live on the band to give face- to-face updates as well as send out a monthly updates by email.


Community Image and Social Media

Image is very important to us. Being a positive role model outside of the CEA family is just as important as being a positive role model inside of our CEA family. Violation of such will be handled by the discretion of the gym director and owners. Depending on the severity of the unfortunate actions, we may dismiss you and your child from our gym program.


Coaches and Social Media

It's very important that parents and athletes have the opportunity to interact with coaches and ask any questions they may have. That said, practice is a tough time to do that, as coaches work hard to create a lesson plan that has the most effective utilization of time for all teammates. For that reason, we ask that parents set up a time to meet with the All-Star Director and/or any team coach outside of regular practice times. We're happy to set up an in-person, over-the-phone or Zoom meeting to best meet your schedule. That said, many of our coaches are students and have full-time jobs outside of Carolina Elite. We do ask parents to refrain from private messaging our coaches. To establish a healthy work and personal life boundary, our staff has been asked to direct any inquiries made on their personal social media accounts to the gym's email and/or social media. By doing this, we're able to create a healthy work environment while also responding to your needs efficiently and accurately.


Positive Coaching Environment

Our goal as a gym is to always ensure that your child is developing healthy character skills and leadership that will continue to benefit them later in life. Sports is an excellent way to foster teamwork, drive, and self-discipline. All-star cheerleading, while incredibly rewarding, is also very challenging. At times, both you and your child will be challenged. emotionally and mentally. From the emotional growth of a young adult, and the difficulties of overcoming challenges your child may be faced with adversity at times. We ask that you let our staff know if they're finding challenges in sports, school, or daily activities that would impact their choices and attitude at practice. This helps our staff to work alongside you to foster positivity. In the same way, we ask that parents who have questions or concerns bring those to our staff in a timely manner. By doing this, we are provided the opportunity to answer your questions and develop solutions before negativity ensues.

It is important that our coaches are given the ultimate authority to make decisions and help your child grow in the areas we see fit. We will make changes throughout the year to our routines to better our scores, which may include your athlete being taken out or put into different spots. We ask that you trust our judgment and allow us to do our job. That said, if parents ever have any questions or would like to get clarification on their child's progression plan, please set up a time to meet with our All-Star Director, who will be happy to provide additional information.


Open Line of Communication

We keep an open line of communication here at Carolina Elite. Email, Facebook groups, and group chats will all be used during this season to send important information about practices, competitions, and events. If any questions arise or you have any concerns about the team, or your child, please contact the Allstar Director at


Financial Commitment 

All-Star Assessments include coach travel fees, competition/Gym USASF fees, music fees, and choreography fees.

All-Star Tuition is based around the number of hours each team puts in each week.

There is a possibility our elite teams may get a bid to the Youth Summit in April or D2 Summit in May. This will be mandatory.


Like our recreational classes, tuition payment is automatically charged.  All-star tuition is charged the 15th of each month. There is no penalty for early payments. On the 1st of each month, the assessment all-star fees are automatically charged. All tuition and assessment fees must be current before an athlete may compete, practice, or collect any uniform, clothing, or other items.  No refunds will be given for any reason. In the event that this occurs, we will reach out to event producers and make every effort to recover fees.  If an athlete is released from a team, a $250 re-choreography fee will be processed immediately for each team the athlete is on. This fee is waived for injuries that require more than 8-week non-participation status. Crossovers to any team who are released from one team for not meeting their contract obligations are hereby released from all teams. Only authorized fundraisers will be allowed. At no time may parents use the logo, team names or gym name in reproduction of personal apparel items or fundraising efforts to receive monetary incentives.


Injury and Fill-in Athletes Policy


A doctor's note is required for every injury that needs professional medical attention. It is the responsibility of the athlete and family to keep the coaches informed about any injury. If the injury prevents the athlete from returning, there will be no refunds paid in advance.


When the athlete’s injury is healed, the coaches and director will put in place a “return to play” course of action to ensure that the athlete is fully ready to return. We require athletes to attend practice two weeks before a competition on restriction and back fully to play the week of the competition to be able to participate.


If your child is injured or is unable to practice due to an injury and needs a fill-in athlete for practice and/or competitions for most of the season. With the discretion of your Athlete's doctor and your athlete's coaches, you have the option to leave the program. If you choose this option, your athlete will not be able to come back until the next season's tryouts.

Their team placement will not be guaranteed for the next season.


Fill-in Athletes policy If you approve your child to be a temporary fill-in for an injured athlete and they participate in a competition for the injured athlete, the crossovers fees WILL apply for that competition. If the team wins any medals, jackets banners etc., that prize will be given to the fill-in athlete for that competition.

Fill-in to Crossover Position Policy After 4 weeks of filling in they will be considered a crossover and crossover fees will apply for as long as they are crossing over. This can be discussed with our Allstar director before making this commitment.


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